End of Term Virtual Party
As a fun way to end this, somewhat, strange semester, the department is hosting an end of term virtual party on microsoft teams! The...
The Finale of the University Challenge Quiz!
It's finally here, the finale of our first ever department university challenge quiz. Make sure to tune in at 7pm (link has been sent in...
The University Challenge Round 2!
Our university challenge continues again tomorrow, Thursday 3rd December, at 7pm! The link to join will have been sent to your KCL emails...
Poetry and... the Wild
Prize-winning poet Pascale Petit and award-winning wildlife film-maker Shekar Dattatri will be chaired by Ruth Padel, Professor of Poetry...
Thinking In Crisis Times: A Collective Exploration
"For the first time ever, all members of our community, including undergraduates, postgraduates, and teaching, research, and professional...
Future events...
We will be updating the page soon with our future events we will be holding!