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Thinking In Crisis Times: A Collective Exploration

"For the first time ever, all members of our community, including undergraduates, postgraduates, and teaching, research, and professional services staff, will be invited to read and discuss together a single set of readings. These have been chosen to help us all consider the way that the different forms of crisis we are all encountering in the present intersect, their longer history, and the ways they are operative for us as a community. Undergraduate students will have a chance to read and discuss this material during the term, although doing so is in no way mandatory, and there will be no assessment. Interested staff and students at all levels will come together for larger conversations, talks, workshops, and more, on the content and import of the material. Each term, an artist will join us via a digital residency to share their work and their thinking on these issues with us."


Tuesday 10th November, 4-5pm: Martina Zimmerman, 'Informal Dementia Care. Covid-19: Burning Glass on the Discrepancy between Policy and Practice'. (KCL students and staff only). Join on Teams here. Tuesday 24th November, 5-6pm: Faisal Hamadah, 'COVID and Kafala'. Talk via Zoom - open to the public (link coming soon) Wednesday 2nd December, 5-6pm: Raymond Boisjoly Artist Talk via Zoom - open to the public (link coming soon)

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