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Forum Posts

Oct 28, 2020
In Q&A
In the Q&A forum, you have the chance to ask as many questions as you want. Perhaps you want some essay advice? Some critical theory recommendations for a module? Are you wanting to join a society and wanting to know which societies people might recommend? You can ask anything you want here, whether it be a matter of concern or just a way to learn something new! If you upload a discussions post to this forum, you'll have the chance to hear from not only your student reps but also your fellow peers!
Oct 20, 2020
In Reading Recommendations
Rating: 3/5 This book is both frustrating and capturing. The writing style is excellently representative of the 'modern relationship' that is captured throughout the novel, and so the tone of the novel never fails to make you understand what is going on. However, the characters are incredibly frustrating. I found myself wanting to empathise with them but struggling to at the same time. I would describe the book as an 'expose' of what can really happen in the modern relationship world behind closed doors. Would I recommend? Yes, but I'd also have to leave a warning that you will be partially frustrated throughout the whole book.
Oct 20, 2020
In Reading Recommendations
This page is available for you to share your favourite books every month! If you're not sure how to start, have a look at some of the posts made by your very own student representatives! Feel free to talk about a book you might have been critical about, a play you absolutely fell in love with or a poem that you can't decide if you hate it or love it! You can also share your own comments about literary texts that other people have posted about. If you want some specific advice on perhaps finding a new classic to read, or a modern horror to get you into the halloween spirit, you can also post questions for people to reply to. Have a look around and enjoy!


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